How to Break Down Engineering Requirements in Microsoft Excel 

How to Break Down Engineering Requirements in Microsoft Excel


Breaking down engineering requirements in Excel can be done by following these steps:

  1. Define Requirements: List out all the engineering requirements in separate columns in Excel.
  2. Classify Requirements: Categorize the requirements into different groups based on their type, complexity, and criticality.
  3. Assign Unique IDs: Assign unique IDs to each requirement to enable easy tracking and referencing.
  4. Detail Requirements: Expand each requirement with additional details such as expected outcomes, constraints, and any related requirements.
  5. Traceability Matrix: Create a traceability matrix that maps the requirements to their sources, such as design specifications, customer requirements, or regulatory standards.
  6. Review & Validate: Review the requirements to ensure they are clear, concise, and complete. Validate the requirements by comparing them to the project objectives, constraints, and relevant standards.
  7. Update & Track Changes: Keep the requirements up-to-date by tracking and incorporating any changes that may occur during the project lifecycle.


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